Volunteering at Quinta Da Vida Beleza

We welcome volunteers from Workaway (or not) who will work 5 hours each morning Monday through Friday before lunch on the land weeding (big one!), planting, pruning,cutting firewood, as well as other projects with cob, wood, maybe cooking for our teen retreat and who knows what else may come up! Volunteers will receive food and either a bungalow or a tent with all bedding in exchange. Other trade arrangements are possible with less hours and paying partial rent and food costs. Long-term rentals may be available too.

Send form below

Volunteering at Quinta Da Vida Beleza

We welcome volunteers from Workaway (or not) who will work 5 hours each morning Monday through Friday before lunch on the land weeding (big one!), planting, pruning, cutting firewood, as well as other projects with cob, wood, maybe cooking for our teen retreat and who knows what else may come up! Volunteers will receive food and either a bungalow or a tent with all bedding in exchange. Other trade arrangements are possible with less hours and paying partial rent and food costs. Long-term rentals may be available too.

Contact Form

Volunteering (#5)