Staying With Us ...

The Quinta is a wondrous, peaceful and centralized location to stay on the island. Everyone who stays with us is in awe of the nurturing and calming beauty, simplicity, open and lush space with comfortable facilities. They immediately fall in love with the comfort and invitation to be fully themselves and have a personal retreat from the hustle and bustle out there. This was always the intention for the Quinta. 

We have an outdoor wood-fired cob rocket stove kitchen for campers and bungalow guests to heat water and make light meals with our high-efficient cooktop.  This summer we have a 2-burner camping gas stove as well and you can use your 470 plus Camping Gaz. We have some cookware, eatingware and silverware for our guests.

Our dining area is covered and cozy with communal cryptomeria tables and a water-friendly dishwashing station, compost pile and recycling containers. We ask that you PLEASE minimize buying non-eco-friendly plastic-packaged food and items and stick to bulk fruits & veggies without using plastic bags. We are happy to offer you reusable shopping bags and LOTS of plastic bags for your produce. We really live a clean life on the Quinta and respect the Earth and as we offer this experience to you, we ask that you make an effort to live like us while you are here and when you leave too. We have clean and fresh-smelling compost toilets and wonderful hot outdoor showers heated by the sun (short 5-minute or less showers please!). We ask that you pee outside as much as possible and in different spots. We have the yoga deck as a hangout spot for guests.

We have the best bananas (year-round), granadilhas and guavas for sale (in season) and happy free-roaming chicken eggs too. In the summer we sell our sun-dried bananas that are an amazing high-energy snack for hiking, surfing, biking and any time. We know you will love it here and feel free to visit the other menu pages for more information.

Staying With Us...

Staying with us

The Quinta is a wondrous, peaceful and centralized location to stay on the island. Everyone who stays with us is in awe of the nurturing and calming beauty, simplicity, open and lush space with comfortable facilities. They immediately fall in love with the comfort and invitation to be fully themselves and have a personal retreat from the hustle and bustle out there. This was always the intention for the Quinta.

We have an outdoor wood-fired cob rocket stove kitchen for campers and bungalow guests to heat water and make light meals with our high-efficient cooktop. This summer we have a 2-burner camping gas stove as well and you can use your 470 plus Camping Gaz. We have some cookware, eatingware and silverware for our guests.

Our dining area is covered and cozy with communal cryptomeria tables and a water-friendly dishwashing station, compost pile and recycling containers. We ask that you PLEASE minimize buying non-eco-friendly plastic-packaged food and items and stick to bulk fruits & veggies without using plastic bags. We are happy to offer you reusable shopping bags and LOTS of plastic bags for your produce.

We really live a clean life on the Quinta and respect the Earth and as we offer this experience to you, we ask that you make an effort to live like us while you are here and when you leave too. We have clean and fresh-smelling compost toilets and wonderful hot outdoor showers heated by the sun (short 5-minute or less showers please!). We ask that you pee outside as much as possible and in different spots. We have a beautiful huge yoga deck as a hangout spot for guests.

We have the best bananas (year-round), granadilhas (sweeter larger passion fruit/maracujá) and guavas for sale (in season) and happy free-roaming chicken eggs too. In the summer we sell our sun-dried bananas that are an amazing high-energy snack for hiking, surfing, biking and any time. We know you will love it here and feel free to visit the other menu pages for more information.


We welcome campers with their own tent and bedding for 10€ per person per night.

We can also rent you a tent for 2 or 4 people and provide air mattresses or camping pads (subject to availability). The small tent is 5€/night and the larger 2-room tent is 10€ per night. Two mattresses are 5€ per night and bedding is also 5€  per night.  The rental is in addition to the nightly individual camping fee.

Cob Bungalows

For a special experience we have 3 handmade cob (earthen) bungalows that we can rent to you.

Each one is unique, beautiful and cozy with its own magic and personal details. They all 3 come with a desk/table and stool or bench, electrical outlets, lights, nighttables and shelves and hooks for your personal items. As of now only the Sunset bungalow has a wood-fired rocket heater for the wintertime. Wood heat is planned for the other two as well. They all 3 have a sink on the outside of the building and outdoor seating. Long-term rentals are also possible at 350€/ month for the Sunrise bungalow and 450€/month for the Sunset and Merkaba bungalows and landsitting exchanges are also available throughout the year for 1-2 months

Sunrise Bungalow

The 10m2 Sunrise Bungalow is 35€ per night for one person and 45€ per night for two.

Sunset Bungalow

The 15m2 oval Sunset Bungalow is 45€ per night for one person and 55€per night for two.

Merkaba Bungalow

The 15m2 round Merkaba Bungalow is 45€ per night for one person and 55€per night for two.


We welcome campers with their own tent and bedding for 10€ per person per night.

We offer beautiful natural wilderness spots for your tents, a large picnic table in the camping zone, lots of birdsong in the morning and a quiet relaxing environment.  Since this is a private land it is secure and people are quiet and respectful.

We are happy to rent you a tent for 2 or 4 people and provide air mattresses or camping pads (subject to availability). The small tent is 5€/night and the larger 2-room tent is 10€ per night. Two mattresses are 5€ per night and bedding is also 5€  per night.  The rental is in addition to the nightly individual camping fee.

Sunrise Bungalow

The 10m2 Sunrise Bungalow is 35€ per night for one person and 45€ per night for two.

Sunset Bungalow

The 15m2 oval Sunset Bungalow is 45€ per night for one person and 55€per night for two.

Merkaba Bungalow

The 15m2 round Merkaba Bungalow is 45€ per night for one person and 55€per night for two.


For Camping or Cob Bungalow stays please always call Claudine on Whatsapp at
+1(831) 212-7225
or on the Portuguese line +(351) 964 746 071 or contact by email at
[email protected]

We ask that people not just show up at the



For Camping or Cob Bungalow stays please always call Claudine on Whatsapp at
+1(831) 212-7225
or on the Portuguese line +(351) 964 746 071 or contact by email at
[email protected]

We ask that people not just show up at the gate.