Farm Food

The Quinta is a certified organic farm and for now we only sell our Fruits and Eggs

We sell the best Bananas ever year-round for 1.50€ a kilo. 

Granadilhas are 8€/kilo.

Guavas are also 1.50€/kilo.

We are preparing the land for selling Sweet Potatoes, Kale, Chard, Tomatoes, Beets, Onions, Garlic, Herbs, Teas and more. We will also be selling baby granadilha starts as our granadilhas are VERY happy here. 

We have an email list of customers to let you know what we have and when.

Sign up below!

Farm Food

The Quinta is a certified organic farm and for now we only sell our Fruits and Eggs.

We sell the best Bananas ever year-round for 1.50€ a kilo. 

Granadilhas are 8€/kilo. 

Guavas are also 1.50€/kilo.

We are preparing the land for selling Sweet Potatoes, Kale, Chard, Tomatoes, Beets,
Onions, Garlic, Herbs, Teas and more. We will also be selling baby granadilha starts as our
granadilhas are VERY happy here. Sign Up for our Email List below . We have an email list of customers to let you know what we have and when.

Sign up below!









For buying our Organic Food contact us by Email, Whatsapp or Phone.

Contact Claudine on Whatsapp at
+1(831) 212-7225

or on the Portuguese line +(351) 964 746 071 

or by email at

[email protected]

Please do not come without first contacting us

For buying our Farm Food contact us by Email, Whatsapp or Phone.

Contact Claudine on Whatsapp at +1(831) 212-7225 

or on the Portuguese line 

+(351) 964 746 071 

or by email at

[email protected]

Please do not come without first contacting us

Sign up for our Email List below

Email list